# HMI Panel

HMI Panel allows operators to monitor and operate on one or more panels and view charts data, alarms and notes.

# Access

The access to HMI Panel is done by clicking on the proper blue button. There are two different ways to access:

# Without Log-in

It's possible to access to HMI Panel without credentials. In this case, the access to "Guest" user must be enabled.

It won't be possible to make changes on the system nor visualizes its values. In order to undertand how to modify a user permission level, see the Users related page.

Without Login
Cannot operate without access

A closed grey padlock, on the rop right, tells that the user did not complete login process.

# With Log-in

It is also possible to access into PlexusLAB using credentials (username + password) in order to get full control over all functionalities available.

To get more details on users class and their relative permission level, see Users page.

With Login

An opened green padlock, on the rop right, tells that the user correctly logged-in.

# Change password

By pressing on the same padlock green.

Change password

Then on the button "Change password" you have the possibility to change the password yourself.

Edit your personal password

# Panels

The first shown window is related to the human-machine interface panels, previously configured in PlexusLAB in the panel page, inside Admin UI section. Here an example:

Main View of HMI

User experience is improved by indicators and labels, which help to visualize and understand system data. System control is also simplified thanks to switches, buttons and numerical fields.

Main View of HMI

Panels list is shown on the left side. User can jump from one to another with just few clicks.

Side Panel of HMI

# Top bar

The top bar contains utility buttons and link buttons to navigate to different pages.

Using HMI
Icon Name Information
Logged users See who is connected into the system
Notes Allows to read and manage logs / notes
Full screen Full screen mode
Alarm Notifications Active alarms notifications
Timeline Blackbox view
Info Message Read info messages
PlexusLab Link to PlexusLAB
Numeric conversion Turn on setted conversions of units of measure

Inside HMI Panel, Topbar highlights whenever an alarm / warning is active:

Warnings Alarms Information
warning notifications Topbar is grey and alert bell is white
warning notifications Topbar is grey and alert bell is blinking, specifies the number of active warnings
warning notifications Both Topbar and alert bell are blinking and are coloured in orange / yellow respectively. The total number of active alerts is specified

# Notes

This button allows you to view and add engineering logs / notes as a reminder for operators.


You can add a Note. Once the Note is added, it will be on the To Do tab. Clicking done on the element will goes to the Done Tab. You can delete the element on the Done Tab.

# Alerts

The window shows all alerts, colouring the icons for the ones actually active. Once an error is solved, it's possible to turn off the related alarm manually by clicking on the icon. Visit Alarms page to get more details.


# Blackbox

Blackbox collects all system data and organizes them into time-dependent charts. It's possible to customize them in the best way thanks to all available options and the user interface is very similar to the PlexusLAB one.


These are the available features:

Icon Name Informations
timeline Time range Changes time interval, standard options are 24h / 7 days / 30 days
sync Live Real time data stream
Export data Export select time range data into a .csv file
replay Load Selection Shows only data related to selected time period
Charts List List of available charts

More details on charts here.

# Info

Clicking on this icon will open a window displaying all info messages.


# Side Panel

The Side Panel shows the list of all panels available, system status, number of inactive functions (for Admin or Super Admin roles only) and also two special function buttons. More details below:

Icon Functionality Informations
System status Show system status, more detail here
Inactive functions Number of inactive functions, clicking on it will display their name
Emergency stop When activated, will terminate all functions and reset all devices to 0
Maintenance mode When activated, "disable()" directives will be ignored inside functions, and email notifications won't be sent by Plexus Cloud


Both maintenance and emergency mode are highlighted by a red and white Top bar, and in Plexus Cloud too.

# Using HMI panel

Once logged-in with username and password, the operator will easily get access and control on system behaviour.

The graphic interface is filled with many simple but functional elements.

For more informations about customizing the HMI Panel, visit related Panels page.

# Indicators

Indicators are foundamental for every control panel. There are many different ones implemented into PlexusLAB, everyone has its own specific purpose to represent data inte the best way.

# Labels

They are used to identify the state of the associated variable. A coloured background helps to immediatly perceive the higlighted state.


# Level bar

The progress bar represents the value of a measured variable changing between its minimum and maximum. This is a linear displacement and changes in real time with related variable.


# Gauge indicator

Gauge indicator represents a variable's value changing between its minimum and maximum. It uses an angular displacement that changes in real time with associated value.


# Buttons

A button allows to control the state of a boolean variable which can be only ON/OFF.



Buttons are usually related to digital I/O channels.


A button can be disabled depending on system status.

Example: a process has started in automatic mode, so all manual controls over actuators are disabled.

# Field of values

Fields of values represent a variable value with numbers. They are divided into input and output fields:

# Output

Displays the value of an associated variable with it related units of measure.


# Input

Allows to set the value of a system variable. They are usually important values used to change system status.

Last Updated: 7/16/2024, 3:13:36 PM