# Functions API

# Functions API: General

# debug_message

Print a message in the debug message box within the page.

# Syntax

 * @param string $message Message to display
 * @return void

# Example

$x = read_val('FOO');
debug_message('FOO is : ' . $x);
// Output
// 12:24:56(0): FOO is 50000

# info_message

Print a message in the info box within the HMI panel.

# Syntax

 * @param string $message Message to display
 * @return void
info_message('Test info Message Here');

# Example

$x = read_val('FOO');
info_message('FOO is : ' . $x);

# function_active

Return the status of a function (active or inactive) by passing the 3-character ID of the function as a parameter.

# Syntax

 * @param string $function_id The function ID
 * @return bool

# Example

$x = function_active('zxy');
debug_message('Is zxy active? ' . $x);

# device_status

Return device status:

  • 0 when device is off or in timeout
  • 1 when device is active and responding

# Syntax

 * @param string $device Selected device from which to read the status.
 * @return bool

# Example

$x = device_status('DEVICE_ONE');
if ($x == 1) {
  debug_message('DEVICE IS ON');
} else if ($x == 0) {
  debug_message('DEVICE IS OFF');
// Output
// 12:24:56(0): DEVICE IS ON

# is_sensor_faulty

Returns the status of a sensor (4-20 mA) connected to one of the PlexusPOD's analog channels:

  • 0 if the sensor is working
  • 1 if the sensor is not working, i.e., it returns a current value less than 3 mA.

# Sintassi

 * @param string 'var_name' name of the PlexusPOD channel to which the sensor of interest is connected
 * @return bool

# Esempio

if (is_sensor_faulty('temp_1') == 1) {
  debug_message('temp_1 sensor is KO');
} else {
  debug_message('temp_1 sensor is OK');

# all_faulty_sensors

Returns an array populated with all the names of the non-functioning (4-20 mA) sensors.

# Sintassi

 * @return string[]

# Esempio

$faulty_sensors = all_faulty_sensors();
debug_message('faulty sensors: '.implode(';', $faulty_sensors,));
// Output
// 12:24:51(0): faulty sensors: temp_2;load_cell

# Functions API: Flow

# since_startup

Returns the time elapsed since the system reboot.

The return value can be expressed in:

  • seconds => when the function parameter is either 's' or default.
  • minutes => when the function parameter is 'm'.
  • hours => when the function parameter is'h'.

# Syntax

 * @param char $unit specifies the format of the return value.
 * @return int

# Example

$time = since_startup('s');
debug_message('Elapsed seconds since boot: '.$time);
// Output
// system rebooted at 12:24:51
// 12:24:56(0): Elapsed seconds since boot: 5

# is_interval_of

Returns a boolean value depending on the elapsed time compared to the specified "target delay".

Accepts a "target delay" parameter (called T in the following) expressed in seconds and returns:

  • 0 if the elapsed time since the function was first invoked does not correspond to an integer multiple of T.
  • 1 if the elapsed time since the function was first invoked corresponds to an integer multiple of T.

# Sintassi

 * @param string $name key assigned to the function instance
 * @param int $interval_in_seconds it is the "target delay" expressed in seconds
 * @return bool
is_interval_of($name, $interval_in_seconds);

# Esempio

$is_elapsed = is_interval_of('pippo', 5);
debug_message('goal is reached: '.$is_elapsed);
// Output
// 12:24:51(0): goal is reached: 0
// 12:24:56(0): goal is reached: 1
// 12:24:57(0): goal is reached: 0

# delay_action

Returns a boolean value depending on the elapsed time compared to the specified "target delay".

Accepts a "target delay" parameter (called T below) expressed in ms and returns:

  • 0 if the elapsed time since the function was first invoked is less than T.
  • 1 if the elapsed time since the function was first invoked is greater than or equal to T.

# Sintassi

 * @param string $action_name key assigned to the function instance
 * @param int $ms_delay it is the "target delay" expressed in ms
 * @return bool
delay_action($action_name, $ms_delay);

# Esempio

if(delay_action('fan_delay', 5000)){
  /* ... */
// Code enters the 'if' condition when the time elapsed
// since the first call of the function is greater than or
// equal to 5 seconds

# reset_delay_action

Resets the delay_action identified by the specified name.

# Sintassi

 * @param string $action_name key assigned to the function instance
 * @return bool

# Esempio


# Functions API: Variables

# read_val

Reads a device or a variable and returns its value.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @return number

# Example

if (read_val('temperature_sensor_1') > 54) {
  // do something if the condition is true
  debug_message('Temperature Sensor 1 is above 54');
// Output
// 12:24:56(0): Temperature Sensor 1 is above 54

# read_future_val


The variable in question must be registered in the Blackbox to use this function.

Gives an estimate for a variable X seconds in the future, by using a linear regression based on $seconds_in_the_past.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @param number $seconds_in_the_future
 * @param number $seconds_in_the_past
 * @return value
read_future_val($var_name, $seconds_future, $seconds_in_the_past = 600);

# Example

if (read_future_val('temperature_sensor_1', 10) > 54) {
  debug_message('Temperature Sensor 1 is above 54, in 10 seconds ahead');
// Output
// 12:24:56(0): Temperature Sensor 1 is above 54, in 10 seconds ahead

# write_val

Write the value to a device or a variable.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @param number $value
 * @return void
write_val($var_name, $value);

# Example

write_val('temperature_sensor_1', 20);
$x = read_val('temperature_sensor_1');
debug_message('temperature_sensor_1 is ' . $x);
write_val('temperature_sensor_1', 10);
$x = read_val('temperature_sensor_1');
debug_message('temperature_sensor_1 is ' . $x);
// Output 
// 12:24:40(0): temperature_sensor_1 is 20
// 12:24:56(0): temperature_sensor_1 is 10

# write_val_period

Write two different values at two distinct time points (defined in milliseconds).

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @param number $value1
 * @param number $value2
 * @param int $ms1
 * @param int $ms2
write_val_period($var_name, $value1, $value2, $ms1, $ms2);

# Example

write_val_period('temperature_sensor_1', 50, -50, 5000, 5000);
// Output
// temperature_sensor_1 will be 50 for the first 5 seconds.
// temperature_sensor_1 will be -50 for the following 5 seconds.
Write val period effect

# reset_val_period

Reset the period value set in the write_val_period() function.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// 12:24:40(0): temperature_sensor_1 is 20

# write_val_ramp

Write a value that incrementally increases during a timeframe.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @param number $rampValueStart
 * @param number $rampValueEnd
 * @param number $msRampDuration
 * @return void
write_val_ramp($var_name, $rampValueStart, $rampValueEnd, $msRampDuration)


The generated ramp should be reset after each use.

# Example

write_val_ramp('temperature_sensor_1', 1, 100, 1000);
// Output
// Temperature sensor 1 increases from 1 to 100 in 1000 seconds.
Write val ramp effect

# reset_val_ramp

Reset the ramp associated with the variable.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// Temperature sensor stops increasing.

# write_val_at_time

Write a value at the set hour, defined in the format mm:ss.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @param number $value
 * @param string $time 
 * @return void
write_val_at_time($var_name, $value, $time);

# Example

write_val_at_time('temperature_sensor_1', 100, '16:20')
// Output
// Temperature sensor 1 is updated with the value 100 at 16:20.

# disable

Disable a Device from being written by HMI Panel / Section / Device List.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// Temperature sensor 1 cannot be modified from anywhere.

# enable

Enable the Device to be written by HMI Panel / Section / Device List.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// Temperature sensor 1 can now be modified.

# get_bounded_value

Return the input value within a limited range.

# Syntax

 * @param number   $input_value     Input value
 * @param number   $min_value       Min value
 * @param number   $max_value       Max value
 * @return number
get_bounded_value($input_value, $min_value, $max_value);

# Example

get_bounded_value('temperature_sensor_1', 0, 50);
// Output
// The value of Temperature sensor 1 is limited between 0 and 50 degrees.

# is_value_inside_target_range

Return true if the input value is within [target_value - offset; target_value + offset].

If not specified, the offset is 5%.

# Syntax

 * @param number   $input_value     Input value
 * @param number   $target_value    Target value
 * @param number   $offset          Offset to create a range around the target value
 * @return bool
is_value_inside_target_range($input_value, $target_value, $offset = null);

# Example

/* temperature_sensor_1 = 21 */
is_value_inside_target_range('temperature_sensor_1', 20, 2);
// Output 
// The value of temperature sensor 1 is 21, which is less than 22. The function returns true.

# is_value_inside_target_range_mod

Return true if the input value is within the range created by [target_value - offset; target_value + offset], taking into account that the target range can be recalibrated between $input_min and $input_max.

If not specified, the offset is 5% of the target_value.

# Syntax

 * @param number   $input_value     Input value
 * @param number   $input_min       Minimum input value allowed
 * @param number   $input_max       Maximum input value allowed
 * @param number   $target_value    Target value
 * @param number   $offset          Offset to create a range around the target value
 * @return bool
is_value_inside_target_range_mod($input_value, $input_min, $input_max, $target_value, $offset = null)

# Example

is_value_inside_target_range_mod(980, 0, 1000, 20, 50);
is_value_inside_target_range_mod(980, 0, 1000, 20, 30);
// Output
// The first example returns true because the target range will become [970;1000] union [0;70].
// The second example returns false because the target range will become [990;1000] union [0;50].

# scale_value

Return the scaled value of the input relative to a specified range.

# Syntax

 * @param number   $input_value   Input value
 * @param number   $input_1       Input range start
 * @param number   $input_2       Input range end
 * @param number   $output_1      Output range start
 * @param number   $output_2      Output range end
 * @param bool  $round         Round to nearest integer
 * @return number
scale_value($input_value, $input_1, $input_2, $output_1, $output_2, $round = true)

# Example

scale_value(6000, 0, 12000, 0, 3);
// Output
//Since 6000 is exactly half of 12000, the function returns half of 3, which is 2 (rounded to the nearest integer, so 1.5 becomes 2)."

# to_bitmap

Returns a bitmap (integer number) from an array of values (the values are automatically converted to boolean if they are not already boolean in nature).

# Syntax

 * @param int[]   $values       Input array values to be merged into a number (bitmap)
 * @param bool    $lsb_first    If true, array values are considered ordered from LSB to MSB. Else, viceversa.
 * @param bool    $signed       If true, the MSB will be taken with minus sign. Else, viceversa.
to_bitmap($values, $lsb_first = true, $signed = false)

# Example

$bitmap = to_bitmap([1, 0, 1], true);
// the bitmap coversion of the sequence of values [1, 0, 1] is 5.

# from_bitmap

Return an array of bool from bitmap (int).

L'array is populted from the bit less signifiant (LSB) to the bit most significant (MSB): res[0] corrisponds to the compponent 2^0.

# Syntax

 * @param int   $bitmap     Input bitmap
 * @param int   $length     Returned array values length
from_bitmap($bitmap, $length = 16)

# Example

$array = to_bitmap(5, 3);
// Output
//The conversion from the bitmap value 5 returns the vector [1, 0, 1].

# increment_cycling_variable

Increase a system variable and reset it to zero if the new value exceeds $max_value_before_reset.

The updated value is always stored within a variable in the Section: $var_name.

# Syntax

 * @param string $var_name               Variable to increment
 * @param int    $max_value_before_reset Max value allowed for storing the new variable value. If the new value goes over this parameter, then variable is reset to $var_reset_value.
 * @param int    $var_reset_value        The value assigned to the variable when it goes over the maximum allowed value.
 * @return int  The updated value
increment_cycling_variable($var_name, $max_value_before_reset, $var_reset_value = 0)


The parameter $var_name must be a variable declared within the Sections.

# Example

/* loop_stage = 2 */
increment_cycling_variable('loop_stage', 5, 0);
/* cycle_stage = 5 */
increment_cycling_variable('cycle_stage', 5, 0);
// Output 
//The value of loop_stage is incremented by 1 and becomes equal to 3.
//The value of cycle_stage is incremented by 1, but it exceeds the maximum reachable value, so it is reset to 0.

# watchdog_on_bit_inversion

Watchdog control logic for bit inversion: checks for the inversion of a bit within a time window.

If the bit is inverted, a new window starts from the moment of inversion, and the function returns true.

If no inversion occurs, a new window starts, and the function returns false.

The timeout state should always be stored within a section variable: $watchdog_timeout_var.

# Syntax

 * @param string $watchdog_timer_name     The Plexus timer represents the length of the time window for checking the bit inversion.
 * @param string $watchdog_timeout_var    The Plexus variable that stores the watchdog state.
 * @param bool   $watchdog_actual_value   The actual value of the bit in the current cycle.
 * @return bool  The timeout state, true when the watchdog has expired.
watchdog_on_bit_inversion($watchdog_timer_name, $watchdog_timeout_var, $watchdog_actual_value)


The parameter $watchdog_timeout_var must be a variable declared within the Sections.

# Example

watchdog_on_bit_inversion('watchdog_timer', 'watchdog_timeout', 'watchdog_value');
// Output
// Returns true if the watchdog value changes before the watchdog timer expires.
// Returns false otherwise.

# emergency_status

Returns 1 if the emergency button on the HMI panel is active. Zero otherwise.

# Syntax



The parameter $watchdog_timeout_var must be declared within the Sections.

# Example

  debug_message('Emergency is active!');
  debug_message('Emergency is not active');
// Output
// Returns 1 if the emergency button on the HMI panel is active. Returns 0 otherwise.

# moving_max

Returns the maximum value of a window of X seconds of the specified variable.

Every X seconds, the oldest value is removed.

# Syntax

moving_max('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

// sec    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
// input  10  20  18  23  17  2   15  7   19  28
$max = moving_max('var_name', 5);
echo $max;
// output 10  20  20  23  23  23  23  17  19  28

# reset_moving_max

Reset the state of the moving max invoked on the same period.

# Syntax

reset_moving_max('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

reset_moving_max('var_name', 5)
// Output
// Will reset a previous call to moving_max('var_name', 5)

# moving_min

Returns the minimum value of a window of X seconds of the specified variable.

Every X seconds, the oldest value is removed.

# Syntax

moving_min('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

// sec    0   1   2   3   4    5   6   7   8   9 
// input  10  20  18  23  17   2   15  7   19  28
$min = moving_min('var_name', 4);
echo $min;
// output 10  10  10  10  17   2   2   2   2   7

# reset_moving_min

Reset the state of the moving min invoked on the same period.

# Syntax

reset_moving_min('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

reset_moving_min('var_name', 4)
// Output
// Will reset a previous call to fixed_average('var_name', 4)

# add_value_range

Returns the sum of the input and the addendum, re-scaled to a range if needed.

Returns false if the operation fails (when the result is not inside the range of evaluation).

# Syntax

 * @param int   $input_value     Input value
 * @param int   $range_min       Minimum input value allowed
 * @param int   $range_max       Maximum input value allowed
 * @param int   $addendum        Value to be added to the input
 * @return int|float|bool
add_value_range($input_value, $range_min, $range_max, $addendum)

# Example

add_value_range(60, -30, 140, -50)  // 10
add_value_range(60, -30, 140, 50)  // 110
add_value_range(130, -30, 140, -50)  // 80
add_value_range(130, -30, 140, 50)  // 40
add_value_range(10, -30, 140, -50)  // -10
add_value_range(10, -30, 140, 50)  // 60
add_value_range(-20, -30, 140, -50)  // 100
add_value_range(-20, -30, 140, 50)  // 30
add_value_range(400, -30, 140, -50)  // false
add_value_range(400, -30, 140, 50)  // false

# Functions API: Filters

# moving_average

Calculate the moving average of a window consisting of X elements (in samples) of the specified variable.

The function can be invoked multiple times with different window lengths.

Each new value is inserted into the window and included in the calculation of the average. As a new value is inserted, the oldest value is removed from the window.

# Syntax

moving_average('var_name', $window_in_samples)

# Example

// loops  0   1   2   3   4
// input  10  20  30  40  30
$media = moving_average('current_mesurament', 4);
echo $media;
// output 10  15  20  25  30

# reset_moving_average

Reset the state of the moving average invoked on the same number of samples.

# Synatax

reset_moving_average('var_name', $window_in_samples)

# Example

reset_moving_average('var_name', 4);
// Output
// Will reset a previous call to moving_average('var_name', 4)

# fixed_average

Calculate the average over a fixed window of X seconds of the specified variable.

# Syntax

fixed_average('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

// sec    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8     9
// input  10  20  30  40  30  15  20  25  30    40
$media = fixed_average('temperature_values', 4);
echo $media;
// Output 
// 0   0   0   0   26  26  26  26  71.25 71.25

# reset_fixed_average

Reset the state of the fixed average invoked on the same period.

# Syntax

reset_fixed_average('var_name', $window_in_seconds)

# Example

reset_fixed_average('var_name', 4);
// Output
// Will reset a previous call to fixed_average('var_name', 4)

# IIR_2o_LP

The function implements a 2nd order IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) low-pass filter.

Returns the filtered value of the variable specified as a parameter of the function.

The maximum cutoff frequency of the filter is limited to 50 Hz by PlexusLab.

# Syntax

 * @param int   $var_name        Input variable's name 
 * @param int   $pole            Cut-off frequency of the filter [Hz]
 * @param int   $damping         Damping factor of the filter. 
 *                               Suggested is 0.705 or higher. Default is 0.705.
 * @return int|float
IIR_2o_LP($var_name, $pole, $damping = 0.705)

# Example

$output_1 = IIR_2o_LP('load_cell', 0.1);
write_val('Weight', $output_1);
// The 'load_cell' sensor is filtered by a bandwidth limited to 0.1 Hz.
// The filtered value $output_1 is then written inside the Section variable 'Weight'
// so it can be displayed inside a Blackbox chart.

# reset_IIR_2o_LP

The function resets the low-pass, 2^ order, IIR type digital filter previously declared.

# Syntax

 * @param int   $var_name        Input variable's name 
 * @param int   $pole            Cut-off frequency of the filter [Hz]
 * @return int|float
IIR_2o_LP($var_name, $pole)

# Example

$output_1 = IIR_2o_LP('load_cell', 0.1);
$output_2 = IIR_2o_LP('load_cell', 0.01);
reset_IIR_2o_LP('load_cell', 0.1);
// Only the filter instance with name 'load_cell'
// and cut-off of 0.1 Hz has been reset.

# Functions API: Timer

# start_timer

Start Timer

The timer must be previously created in the Sections page.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// `my_timer` will start counting the time.

# reset_timer

Reset the timer.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// `my_timer` timer stops counting the time.

# pause_timer

Pause the Timer.

The Timer must have been activated before.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name 
 * @param bool $value (pass 1 to pause it)
 * @return void
pause_timer($timer_name, $value);

# Example

pause_timer('my_timer', 1);
// Output
// `my_timer` timer will pause.

# timer_running

Check if the Timer is counting the time.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name
 * @return bool

# Example

if (!timer_running('my_timer')) {
  debug_message('TIMER IS NOT RUNNING');
// Output

# read_timer

Read the current value of the Timer.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name
 * @return number

# Example

$x = read_timer('my_timer');
debug_message('TIMER IS : ' . $x);
// Output
// `TIMER IS 22000`

# set_timer_duration

Set the duration of the Timer.

# Syntax

 * @param string $timer_name 
 * @param number $duration   
 * @return void
set_timer_duration($timer_name, $duration);

# Example

set_timer_duration('my_timer', 1000);
// Output
// `my_timer` duration set to 1 second or 1000 milliseconds.

# Functions API: Alerts

# set_alert

Activate an alert with a message.

If this alert is active, it will not trigger the subordinate alarms included in the optional array $subordinated_alarms.

# Syntax

 * @param string $alert_name
 * @param string $message
 * @param Array<string> $subordinated_alarms. Optional, defaults to []
 * @return void
set_alert('alert_name', 'message', $subordinated_alarms)

# Example

set_alert('my_alert', 'message', ['subordinated_alarm_name_1', ...])
// Output
// `my_alert` will be activated immediately.

# set_alert_delay

Activate an alert with a message, delayed after msDelay.

If this alert is active, it will not trigger the subordinate alarms included in the optional array $subordinated_alarms.

# Syntax

 * @param string $alert_name
 * @param string $message
 * @param number $msDelay 
 * @param Array<string> $subordinated_alarms. Optional, defaults to []
 * @return void
set_alert_delay('alert_name', 'message', $ms_delay, $subordinated_alarms)

# Example

set_alert_delay('my_alert', 'Something went wrong', $ms_delay, ['subordinated_alarm_name_1', ...])
// Output 
// `my_alert` will be activated with a delay of 1 second.

# reset_alert

Reset an alert that has been activated.

# Syntax

 * @param string $alert_name
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
//`my_alert` will be reset.

# alert_active

Returns the state of an alert, active/inactive.

# Syntax

 * @param Alert $alert_name
 * @return bool

# Example

$x = alert_active('my_alert');
debug_message('my_alert is ' . $x);
// Output
// `my_alert is 1`

# any_alert_active

Returns whether an active alert exists or not.

# Syntax

 * @return bool

# Example

$x = any_alert_active();
debug_message('Active Alert Currently: ' . $x);
// Output
// `Active Alert Currently: 0`

# Functions API: Stepper API

# start_step

Start the stepper.

# Sintax

 * @param string $step_name 
 * @return void

# Example

// Output
// Stepper started

# read_step

Read the stepper

# Syntax

 * @param string $step_name  
 * @return number $value

# Example

$x = read_step('my_stepper');
if ($x == 1) {
  debug_message('Step currently at one');
// Output
// `1`

# set_step

Set the stepper

# Syntax

 * @param string $step_name 
 * @param number $value
 * @return void $value
set_step($step_name, $value);

# Example

set_step('my_step', 10);
if (read_step('my_step') == 10) {
  debug_message('Step currently at 10');
// Output
// my_step step set to 10.
// Step currently at 10

# Functions API: PID control

# PID_controller

The PID controller aims to keep the controlled process as close as possible to the desired setpoint by minimizing the error and providing a fast and stable response. Please refer to this link (opens new window) for more information on a PID controller.

# Syntax

 * @param string $PID_name 
 * @param Array<string> $PID_params
 *    "Kd"                               => number,       // Derivative coefficient
 *    "Kp"                               => number,       // Proportional coefficient (optional, default 0).
 *    "Ki"                               => number,       // ntegral coefficient (optional, default 0).
 *    "Measured_Value"                   => number,       // Current measured value
 *    "Set_Point"                        => number,       // Target value to be reached
 *    "Set_Point_Max_Error_Tolerance"    => number,       // Maximum allowable error within which the output is not modified (optional, default = 5% of the Set_Point)
 *    "Frequency"                        => int,          // Update frequency of the output indicated in number of loops (100ms) (optional, default 1)
 *    "Measured_Value_Average_Frequency" => int,          // Optional, if you want to consider an average value over N samples of Measured_Value instead of the instantaneous value (can be useful in cases where there is noise in the measurement) (optional, default 1)
 *    "Output_Max"                       => number,       // Maximum output value
 *    "Output_Min"                       => number,       // Minimum output limit
 *    "Output_Decimals_Digits"           => int,          // Number of decimal places to calculate in the output (optional, default 0)
 * @return number PID output
PID_controller($PID_name, $PID_params)

# Example

PID_controller('my_PID', array(
  "Kp" => 0.095,
  "Ki" => 0.038,
  "Kd" => 0.002,
  "Measured_Value" => read_val('pressure_in'),
  "Set_Point" => read_val('Pressure_Set_1'),
  "Set_Point_Max_Error_Tolerance" => 6,
  "Output_Max" => 100,
  "Output_Min" => 5,
  "Output_Decimals_Digits" => 1

# reset_PID_controller

Reset the specified PID controller.

# Syntax

 * @param string $PID_name

# Example

// Output
// 'PID_name' verrà resettato 

# PWM_controller

It manages the duty cycle of a digital signal with a spicified period. Please refer to this link (opens new window) for more information on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

# Syntax

 * @param string $PWM_name
 * @param int $duty A value from 0 to 100 that indicates the percentage of time within the $msPeriod where the output should be 1.
 * @param int $msPeriod The duration of the PWM in milliseconds.
 * */
PWM_controller($PWM_name, $duty, $msPeriod)

# Example

PWM_controller('PWM_name', 20, 1000 * 10);
// Output
// 'PWM_name' will be reset

# reset_PWM_controller

Reset the specified PWM controller.

# Syntax

 * @param string $PWM_name

# Example

// Output
// 'PWM_controller' will be reset

# Include function, example

# Definition of constant

It is useful to define constants in a way that their value is only accessed through their name.

The reference value is changed in a single point in the code

# Syntax

const WEIGHT_GOAL = 7000;

# Example

const WEIGHT_GOAL = 7000;
if (read_val(weight) == WEIGHT_GOAL) { //weight = 7000 kg
  debug_message('Goal weight is reached');
// Output
// 'Goal weight is reached'

# Definition of enumerated type constants

They can be referenced in the code as: Position::AirFlowing instead of just writing the integer 1, which loses its meaning for someone reading the program

# Syntax

abstract class Position
    const Unknown = 0;
    const Air = 1;
    const Load = 2;
    const Unload = 3;

# Example

    if (read_val('Current_position') == Position::Air) {
      //Current_position = 1
      debug_message('Air position');
// Output
// 'Air position'

# Definition of custom API

Define the custom API in the Include section (executed only on the first boot) Set the nozzles to the desired state.

# Syntax

  * @param string   $status  ['open', any other to close]
function set_all_sludge_gates($status)
    if ($status == 'open') {
        write_val('gate_1', 1);
        write_val('gate_2', 1);
    write_val('gate_1', 0);
    write_val('gate_2', 0);

# Example

// Output
// gate_1 closed
// gate_2 closed
Last Updated: 7/16/2024, 3:13:36 PM